spirulina facial mask

How to make a spirulina, lime and banana face mask.

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I really love this recipe because all of the ingredients are all amazing for the skin in very different ways and when blended together they make a super amazing mask. Spirulina is a very strange ingredient to put in a skin product but this amazing super food is extremely nourishing for the face and works wonders. Spirulina is a micro organism that lives in water and is dried to form a powder which is sold as a food supplement. It is even given to astronauts in space because it is so high in nutrients and can be stored as a powder. Not only can you eat it but putting it on the skin is very beneficial as it is  packed full of antioxidants leaving the skin refreshed and nourished.

This is probably the best face mask that I’ve ever used and I highly recommend it!!

Hope you enjoy.x

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  • 1/2 teaspoon of spirulina
  • 1 banana
  • 1 teaspoon lime juice


  • Firstly mash your banana in a small bowl
  • Then add your lime juice and mix well (be sure to get all the lumps out)
  • Finally mix in your spirulina and store in the fridge for 2-3 days.


  • Lime is also incredibly amazing for the skin because its got so many great qualities including fighting ache, reducing dark spots, anti ageing properties, treats open pours and many many more.

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