Neal’s Yard Remedies //Product Review//


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I’ve always loved Neal’s yard, my mum used to use their products so I’ve grown up with the glorious smell of Neal’s yard around my house. These are some sample products that Neal’s yard sent me, and I really enjoyed using them. 

Hope you enjoy.x


Rose Daily Moisturiser


This rehydrating moisturiser smells so lovely. It feels so silky smooth when you put it on it really feels like you are putting a great quality product on your face. Neal’s yard is quite an expensive company but sometimes you just want to treat yourself and this moisturiser is a great way to do so. I highly recommend it, it would make a great Christmas present!!

Palmarosa Facial Wash

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I absolutely LOVE this product, after using it only a few times my skin became much less oily and much smoother. The Palmarosa range at Neal’s Yard is one specifically for oily and combination skin (so it’s great for us teenagers). It also smells very fresh, so on those blustery winter mornings where you have to get up for school this facial wash really wakes you up. 

Palmarosa Mattifier

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I don’t suffer particularly from oily skin but my tee zone usually gets quite oily in certain seasons. This product is also from the Palmarosa range and smells very fresh also. I do have quite shiny skin, definitely on my forehead and this mattifier helps balance out oils but also gives a lovely glow to the face.

Rose Facial Oil

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This is by far my favourite product!!!  I absolutely love this! I would use this after putting on my moisturiser and it makes my face feel so soft. This face oil is for helping reduce fine lines  and helps restore radiance (now I can’t say I have many fine lines but it does make my face look much more brighter and radiant). I highly highly recommend this product!!

Rose Facial Polish

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My skin is quite sensitive and I feel that most face exfoliators are quite harsh on the skin. This one although is very gentle and after using it, my face feels so smooth and soft. I really recommend this product, I really really like it!! It also smells like roses so that’s always a plus…

Organic cotton pads

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I don’t really have much to say about these because at the end of the day they are just cotton pads, but the fact that they are organic really enticed me. I go through so many of these so it’s great that they are organic.

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